Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Puronics Of Orlando would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Puronics Of Orlando Community Services

To Whom it May Concern:
My husband and I recently received a marketing call from Puronics of Orlando about a water treatment system. During the phone call we were made aware that if we allowed someone to come to our house to check the water a donation would be made to the Boomer Esiason Foundation for Cystic Fibrosis. We immediately said that yes they could come out and test our water because of the donation to the the Boomer Esiason Foundation. My husband had recently raised money for the Boomer Esiason Foundation since the birth of our son, Benjamin. Ben was born April 4, 2008 and was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis a week and a half later. Since his birth we were made aware of all the great fundraising the Boomer Esiason Foundation does to help people with CF.
At my sons first doctors appointment he was failure to thrive; and diagnosed with CF after his pediatrician made a call to the state to put a rush on the newborn screening results because she was concerned that he was eating nonstop, going through a pack of diapers a day and losing weight. He was not a happy baby. Two days later we took Ben to Nemours Children's Hospital and since then he has been taking enzymes to help digest his food. Ben takes about 18 pills a day to help absorb his food. He also has to take CF source vitamins, prevacid, and a probiotic to help with his GI problems. He recently turned a year old and now everyone who sees him says that he seems like the happiest baby they have ever seen. He goes to the CF clinic at Nemours every 8 weeks and we are so thankful he has only had to be on antibiotics once for a bacteria. He also does daily chest therapy.
When Puronics came out to our house the system they offered sounded wonderful; especially in Florida where the water can be questionable. We did however have to turn the offer down due to the fact that we are on such a tight budget right now. I currently am not working because the CF clinic said it was the best for Benjamin to not be around a lot of germs for the first three years of his life to help avoid catching dangerous bacteria.
The next day we received a phone call from the president of Puronics, Al Moses, who stated that he had heard that our son had CF and he wanted to help our family. He donated a water treatment system to us and gave us the bonus gift of Pure and Gentle cleaners and detergent that were chemical free. My husband and I were in shock of the kind gesture. Not only is it nice to know that we don't have chlorine water coming out of our faucet any longer; I can now clean my house with products that I know are safer for my children to be around. We really appreciate the kindness of Puronics and are so excited that companies like Puronics are trying to get involved with cystic fibrosis awareness.
Puronics has made our water healthier to drink but on a deeper level they are making a difference in my son's life. Cystic fibrosis is a life-threatening genetic disease that causes mucus to build up and clog some of the organs in the body, particularly the lungs and pancreas. There is no cure. With research people are living longer, healthier lives. Companies like Puronics that promote awareness and make donations to charities like the Boomer Esiason Foundation help children like my son live longer. My family and I are grateful for companies like Puronics that choose to get involved and make a difference.

Kind Regards,
Andrea Grady